Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We are progressively retrogressing

We have advanced in virtually all fronts
There is no doubt that humanity has advanced on virtually all fronts. We have moved from primitive bush life to nomadic pastoralism to subsistence farming to most complicated mechanized and scientifically improved farming. Man has landed on moon, we have sent objects to mars, we can predict weather with a degree of precision, communication is possible around the globe, at once we can be united in a second and the communication streamed live. Indeed the globe has just become a village in the truest sense of the word not with the ability to communicate via the internet with all the corners of the world live through Skype teleconferencing or other etc. We have understood ourselves so well and so health has by far been improved.
Some things are basic
But one thing is a fact; however much we advance, some things are basic like our relations, the basic intrinsic human traits that define us are unchanged, our basic building blocks of inheritance are genes, these marvels of nature that communicate information too complicated to fathom from one miracle that is a human being to the next with a degree of precision that is a child remain. Science serves us well in understanding nature and trying to copy it we develop equipments that by far improve our lives. This must be the explanation behind the internal combustion engine whose systolic and diastolic motions causes the impelling motion that is automobile and all other usage that is the engine. The concept of the heart pumping blood to sustain life is employed here.
We are not defined by gadgets alone
But we are not defined by gadgets alone, no we are not defined by the most sophisticated military tank that we can put in the battlefront, I say no we are not only defined by the fastest airship that Boeing and airbus can build, not the fastest bullet train that we can put on our rails. Our civilization is also defined by our capacity to care about one another, to destroy slavery and injustice. And yes our civilization is also about how much we can alleviate suffering of our fellow human beings. We will actually be apt to define our ability to do to another as we would that they do unto us as the defining moment of our civilization.
Truth relative by dictum
Yet we now stand in a pivotal time in the history of human kind when with the maturing humanist convictions of renaissance which were scavenged from graeco-romanic philosophies and convictions that have led us to destruction of all foundational basis that we have clung to for centuries, things that defined us have been convoluted. They have been questioned, alternatives have been suggested and we stand at a time when as the expanse is so is the worldviews that we can adhere to. Truth is now regarded as relative by dictum. And so every opinion counts. We will tolerate every opinion as long as it is not a religious dogma. Of which if it be one, it will be fought violently. We regard the constitution as supreme and yet the bible is dismissed. We have fought for our liberties for so long yet we threaten those liberties by betraying the very essence of our being; humanity.
This is simply weird
Nothing proves this like the recent vocal advocacy for LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender). From the onset these behaviors are not new. They have been practiced since yore, we can try to explain these ideas but may be humanity has continued to discover and at some point thought that that pleasure that copulation gives could be arrived at by other means. Masturbation is one of the ways. The others as suggested above also form the list. Additionally the use of the pleasure gadget by women.  The hedonistic obsession that is our society has substituted the pursuit of life with indulgence and pursuit of pleasure. Whichever way this can be attained it doesn’t matter, the end justifies the means. But nothing takes us to the world of the beasts than human beings than these behaviors. While the animals will go for the opposite sex, we men want to do it the most unnatural way. Even the most accepted lock and key hypothesis that explains many a biological concept disproves this stupidity that we have plunged ourselves into. Nothing beats logic than the attempt to explain this as a human right. And the attempt by the west to force the whole world to embrace this is simply weird.
we are progressively retrogresing 
And so since development is measured best with the level of human development index we will as we concur with the disgrace that we are embracing as an accepted norm agree that we are progressively retrogressing. What will stop us from this; at the moment there seems to be none. But the upright will continue to be upright and on their shoulders the human race pegs its hope. Where is the place of father, mother and children in a gay union? No one will explain this no one cares to, but even those advocating for this like Obama and Cameron are themselves not practicing it because they know it is abominable, out rightly diabolical. It is shameful that they lack the courage to say what is right.
Timeless truth that will never change
And we still have this hope that the upright will never cease to give direction when all else is lost. They have never and once humanity plunges in a worst apostasy, infamy and immediately God raises a revival that restores humanity into his original intent of a fellowship with Him. We will then choose to obey God rather than man for the bible that says (do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Lev 18:22) is too dear to us than the man made constitutions. This is a timeless truth that will never change. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Democracy has been perverted like Athenians will we reclaim it?

Greeks invented democracy

Civilization in the 21st century and onwards will be bound to glorify democracy while abhorring all other forms of governing people ever conceived by man. Democracy itself was invented by the Greeks. In the second half of the 6th century BC, Athenians fell under the tyranny of Peisistratos and his sons Hippias and Hipparchos afterwards. But they overthrew the tyranny. And to prevent Athens from becoming a Spartan puppet, Cleisthenes proposed to his fellow citizens that Athens undergo a revolution: where all citizens share in political power, regardless of status: that Athens becomes a "democracy." The advent of the democracy cured many of the ills of Athens and led to a 'golden age' for the Athenians. And so democracy developed out of fear of being ruled by a tyrant or an autocracy. The antiquity of civil government can be traced to Nimrod who chose to control his fellow men by establishing a monarchy by sheer might. Hitherto man didn’t concern himself with what his fellow man was doing. And had no interest in controlling him.

Man has always tried to control fellow man

And so afterwards man has always tried to control others and out of fear of being controlled by their fellow man he has always tried to assert that all are born free and equal. Democracy therefore ended up as the best form of government that seeks to preserve the truth that all human beings are sovereigns whose conscience is sacrosanct and should not be violated. On this count then democracy upholds this principle that whoever governs me should only do so under my permission and should do it on my behalf and in a way that I would approve that the governing be done. This is a principle brought alive by Christianity and mercilessly trampled upon by atheistic-pagan-heathenistic societies.

Autocracy masquerading as democracy

This ideal is not however the case. This because as we have seen we have emergence of a few influential citizens who rule opinion, determine who rules and forms a cartel which has to admit you before you can be elected or influence policy. It is something akin to a rule by an autocracy masquerading as democrats. Due to their hold on the economic purse of the country they also pass as an oligarchy. And since they tend to pass it to their progenies it is more or less a hereditary oligarchy.This lot is an entrenched interest party that will fight tooth and nail to retain its hold onto power and strategic positions of influence for economic interests. Their hold onto power however becomes a threat to democracy when they block those who are not-so privileged from ever ascending to positions of influence. This practically negates the spirit of democracy which is the taking political power to all citizens to share in it.

An elected plutocracy

It is real all-over the world, the democratic decision making which should be made by all citizens is now invested with a few elected representatives who don’t necessarily consult the citizens but serve the interests of lobbyists and corporate business interests. A new word corporotocracy has been coined to refer to the heinous economic crimes that the big business folks are subjecting to the underprivileged citizens. In other words it becomes an elected plutocracy.

The masses are a bewildered herd

They use the media as a necessary tool for the functioning of the system. They assume that the masses are a bewildered herd that needs to be guided by the ruling class. They assume that they are mere spectators and influence the public opinion through the media to manufacture the public consent without coercing it. Edward Bernays hinted to this when he said the masses need to be manipulated by an invisible government to insure the survival of democracy. Their tool for control is largely through propaganda. They assume that men are ignorant and stupid who cannot be their best judges for their own interests.

They have made democracy mobocracy

All this has made the twenty first century democracy to become mobocracy this is the tyranny of the masses while in a fine democracy the majority would have their way and a minority their say, the minority’s rights are never respected but instead their views being considered they are vilified and anathematized and no rational consideration to their opinions is given they are lumped as estranged and ostracized. The painful thing is that it is an open secret that the majority opinion is not necessarily right. More often than not it is a line arrived at through at times sheer demagoguery and shameless grandstanding and no objective reasoning at all. Once manufactured it is fed through a corrupt media always available to be used by the mighty to stealthily propagate pernicious propaganda for the sheer benefit of the banal elites.

Stopping the subtle dictatorship

Their survival tactic while in this is to hinder a development of the emancipated individuals so they are never capable of making rational decisions. Whatever new concept that they want to introduce to the public is released slowly in bits in a process called desensitization until we accept it and then they have won us. The only way to stop their subtle dictatorship is by being awake and identifying their tactics and guarding our independence to self determine our affairs without their manipulative tendencies. Like the Athenians will we reclaim our democracy?

Friday, December 2, 2011


Capitalism will die a natural death

Karl Marx predicted that like Feudalism before it-collapsed in Moscow in 1861- capitalism will die a natural death. If he was alive today I think he won’t be happy because capitalism is being sustained for selfish reasons. Honestly it has reached its sell by date but some egocentric fellows are sustaining it for selfish reasons. It is obvious that it doesn’t work any further; it may have worked for sometime but no longer. But obviously the super rich who seem to control the world economy are paying dearly to sustain it. It is obvious that the death is imminent but the oligarchs are protecting it. This is the theory behind the American millionaires telling the congress to do the noble thing and tax them.

Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions

They are afraid that they can’t sustain the economic injustice that has been perpetrated all along. They are scared that a few more occupy wall streets and the system will swallow them they will have no place for the enjoyment of their filthy riches. they know that the proletariats will rise from the shanties of the world and force their way into their enterprises, of course they know that they have the influence to make the government to sent the police and protect their businesses but this can happen if a few hundreds are involved and if the number rises to a few millions the system will suffocate and the masses will have their way. Of course they have a reason to worry because the revolution in Tunisia and Egypt has had a domino effect never predicted before.

The humane Philosophy of social justice

I advocate the death of capitalism and rise of Economanism. Economanism won’t be capitalism, it won’t be communism either, it wont even be socialism but it will be a system of sociopolitical and economic arrangement that balances the true nature of man in relation to the universe. This system will protect the rights of man to food and all basic needs it will ensure that what we have gained in capitalism-the encouragement and preservation of enterprising nature of man-is preserved, it will also encourage that the social responsibility of man to fellow man is preserved not in few occasions of ostentatious and often evil stints of philanthropy. It will give room for the role of any organized government to assure all her citizens the basic rights. This system will make it a crime for a government to tax people and not provide its citizens with basic necessities of health security and food. Economanism will ensure that democracy is not abused by the few plutocrats to the detriment of the many citizens, it will ensure that the environmental justice is ensured by prohibiting the few bourgeoisie from exploiting the mother nature and making it more harmful for the many proletariats. This will ensure that a world of 7b people is not controlled by .0001% of its population. There is a reason why Scandinavian countries lead in HDI. Indeed a survey to test the happiness of world people shows the happiest people are not in London, Washington or in New York but in Oslo, Finland and Switzerland. There is a reason, these countries will not produce the top 50 of the richest people of the world they will not because their societies are not guided by the cruel philosophy of capitalism-get all that you can and can all that you get- famously termed by Julius Kabarega Nyerere as man eat man society. They are driven by the more humane philosophy of social justice. To them democracy is not a voting exercise every 4 to 5 years but a participatory process of choosing rulers who serve at the pleasure of the ruled and meet their economic and social needs without which they resign voluntarily on noticing they can’t attain the high threshold of credibility that their society demands from them.

Justice to the world poor

Capitalism must die, it must die now, it must stop protecting the tyrants of Middle East and Africa, it must die to ensure justice to the African masses raped by the west in colonialism and neocolonialism perpetrated by economic systems geared to impoverish the masses and retain the status quo of western hegemony. For justice to the world poor, capitalism must die, and this is the message across the world, In new York Manhattan Zuccotti park, in London st. James chapel occupation in Greek protests and in Bessiggyes protests in Uganda.


I take relieve in the fact that the opinion leaders of the world recognize this fact. George Soros argues that international capitalism fronted by US has failed while national capitalism fronted by china is progressing. A new world “corporotocracy” has been coined to describe the act of the hedge fund managers and the corporate executives buying the police to harass the protesters demanding the death of capitalism and installation of a working alternative. They call themselves the 99% at the accusation that the economy is run at the exclusive benefit of the 1% at the expense of the rest 99%.

Happiness index not GDP

The king of Bhutan has already decided that the true test of development is not GDP but Happiness index. The US has already recognized that the global centre of gravity is tilting Far East and it is bound not to change. The hard truth is that capitalism has failed and nothing witnesses to this than the struggling Greek, Italian, Irish and Portuguese economies not to mention the disenfranchised American populace. All over the masses are angry, they are angry at the system, they are jobless, they don’t own the houses and though with university degrees and college diplomas there are no jobs. This was the situation in Tunisia that led to the act of self immolation by one disgruntled citizen which has since then swept the whole world and whose flames still burn in Yemen and Syria though with a very heavy hand of government repression.

Capitalism must die

Capitalism must die, it must die so that Gaddaffi who made for his peoples welfare than many of the western powers that toppled him (for oil purposes) are not removed from office for capitalist reasons. And we must look Scandinavian; here social justice has grown hand in hand with sound economic systems that have created some most prosperous societies ever.
And this is why capitalism must die for humanity to advance.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The deception that is evolution, big bang theories

"But then with me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man's mind, [if developed by evolution], are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would any one trust in the convictions of a monkey's mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?" [Charles Darwin’s Letter to W. Graham, July 3rd, 1881]
As a Geography and biology student in high school, I remember being taught the Bing bang and Darwin Theories on birth of the universe and evolution of species. The big bang theory presupposes the universe being born from an explosion that scattered matter all around. This scattered stuff is then thought to have cooled, condensed to form the current planets and galaxies forming the solar systems that we have. There was also a concept of how life started in a primaeval soup where electric energy and sunlight appeared to bring up the first cell. The theory goes on to say that it is this cell that continued to develop and the evolutionary process continued to the point where cell became more complicated and specialized to give the many organisms that we have today. This is the Darwin’s theory.

Intellectual vacuity

This is the intellectual vacuity that human kind has been subjected to thanks to one Charles Darwin. Those who agreed with this theory exhibited a kind of intellectual laziness that we of the 21st century should rise and challenge. We because the post-modern mind has drawn a lot of benefits from our collective human history that he is the most intellectually developed and technologically advanced. The victory of Christianity over heathenism with the edict of Emperor Constantine in 313 A.D ushered humanity into liberality and freedoms that have only been consolidated with time to reach where we are today. We have the freedom of inquiry and to differ when we feel obliged to.

Fake theories

We therefore must challenge these fake theories. Fake because all the laws of nature that govern our universe and deduced by scientists after thousands of observations and lab tests disagree with it. One, the law of energy states that energy and matter can neither be created nor be destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another. It is therefore false the big bang theory which says that an explosion occurred somewhere to give birth to matter. Notwithstanding the fact that explosions as we know them today are destructive and not creative at all why then do we believe some constructive explosion occurred in history to bring about the universe as we know it today. We also know from science that order is at its maximum at absolute zero temperature. That is to say at zero Kelvin there is no movement of matter which is particulate in nature and any increment in temperature avails energy which causes molecules to move in a haphazard motion. Therefore the genesis of life in a pond with some soup is farfetched and it can’t be farther from truth.

Law of chaos

Then there is the law of chaos. We know that in a closed system there is a natural tendency to degenerate from order to disorder or chaos. Why would we then want to believe that the converse took place in evolution so that things naturally moved from disorder to order? The law of cause and effect is yet another one. It dictates that every effect has a cause and naturally the cause is greater than the effect it causes. It follows then that the first cause of time must be greater than time. In other words it must be eternal. The first cause of space which all of us know its expanse cannot be detected must be greater than the space itself and so infinite. The first cause of matter which cannot be created or destroyed must be greater than matter itself and therefore it must be eternal.

Immutability of the laws of nature

Now it is logical that directed energy is necessary for any constructive work to be done. This is why a nuclear bomb which suddenly releases a lot of energy gives the worst form of destructive energy ever conceived by man. Yet nuclear power well directed in a nuclear power plant does give a dependable source of electrical power. Do we want to believe that there was no directed energy in the birth of the universe? It is hard to explain why matter and energy supposedly came into being by chance and organized by random events yet it is subject to unchangeable laws. Can the evolutionists explain the immutability of the natural laws? Does not science dispute all the theories advanced so far on the origin of the universe? Does it not require suspending our reasoning in order to believe these theories? Will chance cook your food for you to eat? Will chance wash you if you don’t take shower? Will your work in the office be done by chance if you don’t fold your sleeves and do it? Why then would happenstance bring up the universe?

Total nonsense

These theories are a total nonsense and should not continue being taught in our schools. We need to acknowledge that a creative genius did conceive the universe and everything in it and worked towards making the beauty that is nature. This creative genius is God. He is eternal, infinite and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth. We all admire sagacity and as some of us are our first cause must be all wise. Power is what we fight for in our political or even gender struggles. In line with the law of cause and effect our first cause must be all powerful. We all crave for justice, appreciate goodness and dig after the truth. These things, wherever they excel, Humanity regardless of race, tribe religion or whatever variation is happy. In fact it is interesting that all of us from Siberia to sierra-Leone, New Zealand to New Hampshire and Chile to China crave for basic things namely happy lives and an opportunity to fully exploit our potential. Our common cause then must be all just, full of goodness and the embodiment of truth itself.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The death of the human being

Delusional revolution

In this article I endeavor to present the reality of 21 century which the collected ideologies of the past centuries since man started to reason have worked to produce man who is his worst threat to his himself. In an acknowledged state of confusion that reigns now he denies his true condition and instead of being honest with himself continues to delude himself while getting mired into self destructiveness that seems only to increase by day. It has been termed as “delusional revolution after the agrarian and the industrial revolutions before it” -Robert Jensen.

Self degradation

While the Aristotelian and platonic philosophies awakened man to one of the finest gifts of God, the capacity to reason, the same have been used to alienate man from himself and so become source of self degradation that is uncalled for; it is generally acknowledged that the medieval enlightenment, dominant Christian values and the late entrance of the eastern mysticism has played a great role in shaping the current worldviews basically new age movement. So much confusion that now it is possible to find someone subscribing to several worldviews without being aware of actually their source or even why he subscribes to them.
I have heard barrack Obama postulate the importance of helping everyone realize his potential just like Hillary Rodham the US secretary of state. Now without being aware that this is a new age idea it will appear very innocent and genuine intent.

“Me first philosophy”

It is now acknowledged that the stretching of the rights has become harmful and an obsession with “me first” philosophy of life is proving more harmful to the society at large going by the occurrences. Take for instance the abortion debate, it is interesting how we wish away the murder of millions of human beings still in their mothers womb yet we incarcerate those who kill others afterwards. When an Indian cabinet minister termed homosexuality as a disease, he was roundly condemned. In a similar vein last year the Church of England met to review their stand on homosexuality with a view to allowing gay bishops to be ordained. When youths in Britain decided to do their thing the society was aghast at the unprecedented levels of violence that the minors decided to visit on their communities.

Humanocentric philosophies

Yet all these are scattered incidences that are a by product of humanocentric ideologies which as is naturally true have enthroned man and effectively locked God from the affairs of man. We can mention the cult of reason which aimed to perfect man by attaining truth and liberty by exercising human reason. Nieztche the 19th century philosopher went to the extreme of declaring God as dead his pet topics were on existentialism, postmodernism and the will power. The warped philosophy stipulates that “Instead of meekly worshiping fictional gods, or blindly dismissing the ideals they represent, we should seek to become godlike ourselves. The body is weak, but the mind can be forever. People may die, but they can be preserved and resurrected. This world may in many ways resemble hell, but we can create heaven on earth. The universe may be a place of chaos and entropy, but we can fill it with order and intelligence. Guided by reason and empowered by technology, we can bend reality to our will, and make the impossible possible.” The vigilant citizen.

Culture of physics

Bertrand Russell a modern British atheist declared that his whole religion was to do every duty, and expect no reward for it, either here or hereafter. He liked mathematics because it is not human & has nothing in particular to do with this planet or with the whole accidental universe. Another fellow called Moor declared “In the beginning was matter, and matter begat the devil, and the devil begat God”. At the end death first of God and then of the devil left matter alone as in the beginning. Algorithm expert Kevin Slavin has warned that the "maths that computers use to decide stuff" was infiltrating every aspect of our lives. Now the culture of physics rule from stock trading, to being our memory bank in terms of search engines. In my bible study BURU NPC Bible Study where we are currently studying the tabernacle series we have been forced to “Google” some stuff for clarification. Mark that Google is now a word in the oxford dictionary.

Re-invented religion

In trying to block God from affairs of man societies like the Mont Pelerin Society have gone ahead to detest creeds which they allege threaten the freedom of man and expression. Yet it is the New age movement which has indulged humanity into occultism, astrology, esotericism and collectivism characterized by individual approach to spiritual practices and philosophies. Of course modern Paganism is a reinvented religion, whose members seek the divine in nature. It is an eclectic piecing of different worldviews which results in a terrible confusion in today’s society. One Mr Jameson while speaking to BBC says of renewal of paganism "We've come to a time, after thousands of years of dogmatic religion... for human beings to take hold of their spirit and become free. Free themselves of all the dogma, of all the rules and regulations, and let the conscience grow on its own,"

Neoliberalism a threat to civilization

The culture of greed bred, matured and justified by capitalism leaves a world of 6 Billion people controlled by an elite of 6000 people according to David Rothkopf. I believe that while the shinning lights of ancient Greek were the Platos and Aristotles of this world, the beginning centuries of Anno Domini were characterized by pious souls beginning with apostles and later church fathers whose lives rightly continue to speak thousands of years later-for the same period is also characterized by some of the beastly Roman emperors; the Caligula, Nero and others-the 21st century belongs to the politician and the entrepreneur not at all the scientist of the 17th , 18th and 19th centuries or even great reformers of medievalism or even the great statesmen of the 20th centuries. The world is divided into two the bourgeois and the proletariat whether in NY city J’burg, Brasilia, Sidney, Hong Kong, Moscow or in Tehran. Thanks to globalization. While David Tepper a hedge fund manager can make $ 4,000,000,000 in a year a domestic worker n Nairobi will make in the same time $ 632.What an injustice! Right now money is the medium of interaction between men and the materialistic trend worships the Matter-God, whatever his name might be. Max Weber indicts the capitalist mentality as an "iron cage" without "spirit”. There is a feeling that the great professional vocations- lawyers, journalists, academics, doctors - have been co-opted and corrupted by bottom line thinking. Some commentators feel that Neoliberalism is a threat to civilization and rightly so.

Alienating man from himself

And so we’ve killed the Human being. The human being is alienated from the truth and the truth is alienated from the human being. If then the result of paganism is alienation, atheism itself must be active alienation, the alienation of humanity, the activity of alienating man from himself. This is the actual death of man for man minus God is dead. His work is trying to make him a machine. The machine is working for him as he makes least decisions the machine makes most for him. It is the software that is working for us. Bill Gates is on record saying that the future of IT is that you’ll be able to dress up and stand before the computer and the machine will tell you that you don’t match please go and change. Our obsession with the silicon gadget is making us anti-social. I will be in a place packed with people, at home or elsewhere and will be pre-occupied with face book, twitter or another social network. It is a virtual world everything, every answer can be found online. The overriding heartlessness is a result of active de-humanization. A proactive subscription to the matter-god, not particularly a new idea, but a re-invention of atheistic worldview.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who is a christian? What is Christianity

The world today

In today’s world Christianity is considered to be the largest religion. Here in Kenya, statistics put the figure at 80% the population that is Christian. In a story carried out in by the daily nation on Africa insight a column it reported that Kenya is the most evangelical African nation with 56% of us being born again, South Africa has 34% and Nigeria 26%. The continent itself has witnessed a mega growth of the church as recorded by the world Christian encyclopedia. For instance in 1970 17,000,000 Africans were born again, while in 2009 the number rose to 400,000,000 which constitute 19% of the continents population. It is however plain truth that while everyone wants to call himself a Christian, the real meaning seems to have been lost on who really a Christian is in the first place.

In Antioch

I am challenged to go to the bible to investigate on this matter. I do so because our age is so enlightened that it is almost a crime to be ignorant of something so fundamental. And so who is a Christian and what is Christianity? To begin with, the first time people who carried that title were in Antioch as recorded in Acts of the Apostles by Luke. Ac 11:26 and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Mathew Henry’s commentary observes; Paul and Barnabas continuing there so long, being exceedingly followed, and meeting with no opposition, Christian assemblies made a greater figure there than anywhere, and became more considerable, which was the reason of their being called Christians first there. Hitherto those who gave up their names to Christ were called disciples, learners, scholars, trained up under him, in order to their being employed by him; but henceforward they were called Christians. They studied to do honor to their Master, and showed that they were not ashamed to own their relation to him, but gloried in it; they now owed their dependence upon Christ and their receivings from him; through him they themselves had the anointing.

No Christian without Christ-the anointed

In the wilderness of my searching, I therefore come to an early finding that there is no Christian without Christ-the anointed one. This Christian must then hold its origin in relation to the Christ. It leads me then to ask one question can anyone be a Christian if he has not been born again? My answer is NO. John 3:5 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Now the kingdom of God is the kingdom of Christ and every Christian’s destination is a citizenship in this kingdom. John 3:7 “Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again. It therefore comes from Christ himself that for you to become a Christian, you must be born again. Therefore if someone says that he is a Christian; ask him if he is born again if he says no. Then tell him point blank-you are not a Christian.

Obligation to submit to the laws of Christ

Christians laid upon themselves, and all that should ever profess that name, a strong and lasting obligation to submit to the laws of Christ, to follow the example of Christ, and to devote themselves entirely to the honor of Christ--to be to him for a name and a praise. Are we Christians? Then we ought to think, and speak, and act, in everything as becomes Christians, and to do nothing to the reproach of that worthy name by which we are called; And as we must look upon ourselves as Christians, and carry ourselves accordingly, so we must look upon others as Christians, and carry ourselves towards them accordingly. A Christian, though not in everything of our mind, should be loved and respected for his sake whose name he bears, because he belongs to Christ. (Mathew Henry’s Commentary)

Salvation a heavenly mystery

The two quoted texts are quite rich in terms of the basics defining Christians. The gospel starts with a dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a searcher of truth. As the conversation goes on Nicodemus sounds awestruck at the revelations that Jesus makes to him. Jesus graciously reveals to him that as mysterious as origin and destination of the wind that blows is so is the regenerate man. That then means that salvation which is the key to becoming a Christian is a heavenly mystery. It becomes obvious that Jesus has to be lifted up as the serpent on the wilderness. Eternity to human being is also anchored in believing in Jesus Christ. John 3: 8 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. The Christ who appeared for the salvation of the world also is its judgment. John 3: 36 "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
The text in Acts is equally powerful; it brings out God’s plan of salvation to the gentiles as the story of Cornelius is brought up and there drives home the point of God not leaving anyone outside his plan for salvation. In fact afterwards, it is clear that God would allow the church to be his representative on earth and not Israelites anymore.


Mt 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. The foundation of Christianity is Christ himself.1Co 1:2 to the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called-out saints, with all those in every place who call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.1Co 8: 6 there is to us only one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we by Him. Christianity is about reconciliation of man to his maker and a Christian has found this relationship in which the creation has found a home in the hands of the creator.

Practical Christianity

Practical Christianity is the manifestation of a new life; a spiritual (as distinct from intellectual and moral) life; a supernatural (as distinct from natural) life; it is a life of holiness and peace; a life of union and communion with God the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; it is eternal life, beginning with regeneration and culminating in the resurrection. It lays hold of the inmost centre of man’s personality, emancipates him from the dominion of sin, and brings him into vital union with God in Christ; from this centre it acts as a purifying, ennobling, and regulating force upon all the faculties of man—the emotions, the will, and the intellect—and transforms even the body into a temple of the Holy Spirit (Phillip Krapf)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Christians and Christianity facing persecution in Kenya Today

Birth of Christianity in Kenya

I have belabored for some time on the content of my post this month. I have come to settle that it has to be something about the state of church in Kenya today. This is particular so because this blog is committed to apologetics. We all know that the Christian faith in Kenya was introduced by white missionaries who not only brought Christianity but came with formal education. The growth of the church has since been rapid to the point where it is said that we’re 80% Christians as a nation. It is the latest development in the politico-economic and socio-cultural environment that raises some pertinent issues with regard to church in Kenya. For some reason a growing majority of people find it necessary to disdainfully treat the church today.

Columnists enjoy deriding the church

You read the newspapers and columnists find joy is deriding the church, Billow Kerrow said in standard on Sunday that the church leaders are now reeling in ignominy, Philliph Ochieng has made a career in attacking the church while new entrants to this gravy train of dismissing the church are the likes of Kwendo Opanga, Makau Mutua, Mukhisa Kituyi, Lukoye Atwoli and a motley of other writers. In parliament it was interesting that the voice of the clergy was dismissed during the vetting of the CJ, DCJ and DPP while the CIOC recommended issues raised by the civil society about DPP Mr. Keriako Tobiko to be further investigated.

The abortion agenda

We as a church opposed the new constitution on the basis of issues that we felt were unchristian in that document but the populace largely ignored the issues and chose to follow the secular arguments. Of interest to me is that our fears are now being confirmed daily. Sample this; we said the constitution legalizes abortion we were shouted down yet on Saturday nation 18/06/2011 page3 it is reported the government has taken a decisive step to distribute medication that can procure abortion in virtually all the parts of the country.

Terrible appointments to Head our Judiciary

Our new CJ is an atheist from his own words. Yet that is not alone he consults his ancestors who told him to wear a stud that he cannot release even if it means losing his job as a CJ. That is divination that the bible so strongly refuses yet we accepted it to go on, are we still 80% Christians? By God’s design am a Kamba and when an old man says he consults ancestors, that is a serious thing that Christianity has fought for as long as the church is alive in Kenya. What is the multiplying effect of this to this country, how many will go back to consulting their ancestors like their CJ? I personally wouldn’t raise the issue of the stud per se as my own bishop Oginde did for then I would tread a dangerous lane of even telling the ladies to remove their earrings but for heavenly sake the reasons why the stud is worn must be of concern to us. Two women appointed in the highest echelons of our reconstituted judiciary have no solid basis of a commitment to the family institution, when I do rounds in girl schools I hear them say that they don’t want to get married they just want to get a guy to impregnate them and part company after having a child, they don’t want to get married at all. Our most visible women personalities in Kenya similarly have no working marriages. Does this worry?

An open hostility to the church

I have always taken the position of the church publicly or privately sometimes even before the bishops speak but I have been told all manner of things by friends and colleagues in trying to dismiss the church. As a one who never takes it to lie low or to acquiesce in a confrontation, I have used every weapon at my disposal to justify the position of the church. From where I sit it is an open hostility to the church a brazen dismissal, I have heard someone say the church should preach and not engage in politics a most laughable statement considering the decade of nineties when the church was at the forefront of clamoring for human rights and democratic space. Yet even Nicollo Machiavelli in the Prince advises don’t joke with the church for it is a power to reckon with.

Anti-God forces are working to wipe out Christianity

And so what has befallen us? Is it a problem with the church? No! I refuse. The church, traditional, militant, restive, evangelistic remains as visible and as vibrant. I know this, I am part of it. What is the matter? Secularism, Yes; it is picking an accelerated pace of spreading, the devil is really aggressive in pulling people to paganism not only here in Kenya but all over the place. The first Atheist Convention just took place in Dublin Ireland; there is a re-gathering for the first time in public after many years of druids in UK, after the rapture hoax of Harold Camping, the church of atheists gathered to celebrate in derision of Christianity. But here in Kenya it has taken a dangerous dimension, this spread has entrenched itself in institutions and has fixed itself in the laws. It is part of the body politic and it has the boldness to dismiss the church. It has marketed itself as most acceptable and vilified the church. It is led by pretenders to Christianity who has no scant idea what real Christianity is. They have denied its power yet glibly call themselves Christians. Lowly, methodically, and incrementally the anti-God forces are working to wipe out Christianity in our society and replace it with humanist views.

A spiritual agenda

As that happens Muslims have strategically placed themselves and perpetrated every sphere of government in Kenya, in my opinion Ahmednasir Abdullilahi of JSC is a real agent of the enemy who has singularly advanced the Muslim agenda in Kenya to dangerous levels. Yet what is painful to this country yet slowly happening is the killing of her soul. It is important to recognize that those engaged in the war on Christianity, working for the dissolution of our society and breakdown of the family have a spiritual agenda. They are not merely attempting to dismantle the historic cultural values of this nation and move us toward a satanic new world order. They also want to destroy Christianity and Bible-based religion. It is a clear part of their agenda, and they have already moved a long way in that direction.

Media Blackout on anything positive about Christianity and Christians

Our mainstream news media ignores conservative and Christian news events, except when coverage makes religious leaders look "cold, intolerant and oppressive,” they will rush to report a pastor caught having impregnated a girl or something of the sort. They don’t cover the anti-Christian agenda and never report it. Of course, that is understandable when you realize they are part of the anti-Christian cabal and have agreed not to cover anything positive about Christianity. They will say that Christian clergy are anti-reform, rigid and they don’t even speak on behalf of their flock. They have called the Christian clergy as self-seekers and not flowing with the majority of Kenyans. Coverage of abortion and homosexuality are never done from the religious viewpoint. Instead, religious figures are regularly portrayed as reactionary roadblocks while their positive influences are rarely covered.

A murderer is less to be feared

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." - Cicero, 42 B.C.

Necessary Madness

This will be the case but Christians in Kenya must not give up. Going forward we must purify ourselves, ask for more power from God; that power that enabled Christ to match the highest cruelty that devil can manufacture with the greatest force of moral good that he alone wields, a faith that believes that good will triumph over evil for this is the victory that overcomes the world and a hope that transcends the physical and lives for eternity. The doctrine of immortality of the soul should assure us that we can be courageous in our witnessing and resolute in our beliefs we must be of singular mind and refuse the dirtying rationalization. We ourselves have to live the faith and hope we preach that way and when we’re endued with the power from on high, things get going. Ours must then be madness, a madness that is necessary, that chooses to differ and differ severely, and that refuses to negotiate at the table of the enemy a madness that is obstinately radical, brutally honest and tenaciously dependent on the all sufficiency of our God and his promises solely. Amen.